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Ohio jokes in 2024

Why did the weather vane move to Ohio? It wanted to point out the state’s direction!

Why did the ice cream love Ohio? It wanted to be a sundae Buckeye!

What did Ohio say when it was cold? I’m freezin’ Columbus!

Why did the steak visit Ohio? It wanted to meat the Buckeyes!

Why did Ohio become a magician? It wanted to perform some state-craft!

Why did the computer take its vacation in Ohio? It needed a byte of the countryside!

Why did the clock like Ohio? It always had time for it!

What’s Ohio’s favorite type of sandwich? The one with a lot of layers, like its history!

Why did the battery visit Ohio? It wanted to get recharged!

Why is Ohio the friendliest state? Because it’s always waving at Michigan and Indiana!

Why did Ohio become a chef? It wanted to spice things up!

Why did the pencil love Ohio? It wanted to draw attention!

Why is Ohio good at baseball? Because it’s always on the ball!

Why did Ohio join the circus? It wanted to be in the center ring!

Why do Ohioans have clear skin? Because they always wash in the clear Fork river!

Why did the hammer move to Ohio? It wanted to nail success!

Why did the bread loaf move to Ohio? It wanted to be a bun-keye!

Why did the onion move to Ohio? It wanted to make the Buckeyes cry!

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