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October jokes in 2025

JASON, it takes 5 months to spell it. (July, August, September, October, November)

Top 10 Pumpkin Jokes

I found a ghost passed out on my stairs last night.

October 31st: 101 Halloween Jokes: The nurse walked into the busy doctor’s office and said, “Doctor, the invisible man is here.” The doctor replied, “Sorry, I can’t see him.”

October 12th: National Farmers Day Farming Jokes: What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?…
– Straw-berries!

I can’t believe people are letting fireworks off in October!
– It’s scared the dog so badly he’s knocked the Christmas tree over.

Me: I have cheated once
Wife: me too

Me: 1st april…

Wife: 8th october

A Sliced Dairy Product
There was once a man named Ani. Ani was a long-time comedian. He had been running both a YouTube and a Twitter account for an entire decade, and did stand-up in bars and comedy clubs. Everywhere he went, he was showered with praise for his originality and dedication. On one 17th of August, however, he made a tweet saying:

“Has anyone been to Majin?”

Ani was known to tweet daily. After this tweet, however, he stopped. Not only did he stop tweeting, though, but he stopped posting YouTube videos and doing stand-up. Anything he did relating to comedy ceased.

Silently, however, he had started up a YouTube channel under the name of “mashin659.” On it he posted original cartoons, all of which most would say fell under the comedy genre. It took several years for people to realize this was actually Ani. People suspected it was him due to the name of the channel. Later on Ani had posted a video hinting at him being behind it. His fans who accidentally stumbled upon the channel took this as a confirmation.

Ani essentially ghosted his Twitter fans. He still browsed Twitter, but stopped doing anything that would show he was active. Naturally, with his following, he had amassed numerous notifications. On October 16th, he decided to check them.

Nothing of interest showed up until he scrolled down around 49 times. Once he hit the 49 mark, he saw a tweet by Joaquin Phoneix himself. Joaquin tweeted Ani two questions:

“Has your inactivity on social media been all a joke? Wait, what’s your last name?”

Ani replied with a picture of cheese, and said:
“The cheese describes my name. It is not a part of it.”

October 4th: National Taco Day Jokes: Top 10 Taco Jokes: Waiter Waiter! Will my taco be long?
– No, it will be round!

How do trees get onto the internet?…
– Easy, they just LOG on. (Tree Jokes)

Why does Alabama love the month of October?
– Because the get to pumpkin

What was Humpty Dumpty’s favorite month?
October… He had a great fall.

October 13th: Friday the 13th Jokes: What song does Jason Voorhees sing on Friday the 13th?…
– “Takin Care of Business”

Did you guys know that according to scientists, in October the mitochondria turns into the frightochondria
– And becomes the haunted house of the cell

an upvote in october is an “updoot”. whats for november?
– an “upnoot” (go easy. first timer here)

October 26th: National Pumpkin Day National Pumpkin Day Jokes: What did a Jack-o-lantern say to the pumpkin?…
– Cut it out!

He must have been really into the boos!

My wife said I’m not sophisticated.
I said, “that’s ridiculous, why, I’m reading a novel right now that’s full of subtext.

She was impressed and asked, “what novel?” I said, “The Hunt for Red October.”

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