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Ocean jokes ๐ŸŒŠ in 2025

Hey Frend, did you here the joke about the ocean?
– Nevermind, its too *deep* for you

Did you hear about the red ship that collided with the blue ship?
– All the sailors were marooned.

What is the worst thing about sea sickness?
– It come in waves!

Why does the ocean look blue?
– Because the fishes go blu-blu-blu

– This is way funnier when said out loud but it works!

2 cats are having a race
2 cats are having a race across the Atlantic Ocean. One of them is a English cat named one,two,three and the other is a French cat named un,deux,trois. Which cat wins the race?

– The English cat because un,deux,trois cat sank

What did the tuna say to her overzealous partner?
– I think we need to scale things back here.

My 3.5 year olds favourite joke: how do the oceans say hello to each other?
– They wave.

My friend has an unhealthy obsession with ocean life
– I told her to sea kelp

Whatโ€™s a cetaceanโ€™s favorite TV show?
– Whale of Fortune.

Whale, hello there!

What do fish and maps have in common?
– They both have scales!

What kind of bus can cross the ocean?
– A ColumBUS

What did the wise papa fish tell his son?
– Keep your friends close and your anemones closer.

Why are pirates called pirates?
– Because they arrrrr!

What swims in the ocean and does math?
– A octoplus

I got some jokes about the oceans…
– but they are to dirty

What does the fish say when she disagrees with her husband?
– I donโ€™t quite sea it that way.

I know a whale joke.. itโ€™s a real killer!

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