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Ocean jokes ๐ŸŒŠ in 2025

The people who discovered oceans: We will never be thirsty again!
– God: Na

How does a man become a woman crossing the ocean?
– Through the proper trans-port.

What do you get when you throw lettuce into the ocean?
– I don’t know lettuce sea.

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
– A nervous wreck.
– Thanks, I’m here all week. Try the veal.

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
– A nervous wreck.

What did the sand say to the ocean?
– What are you dune tonight?!

A lady with a morbid fear of drowning is on a ship in the middle of an ocean. Nervously , she asks a crew member ‘just how far away from land are we?’ Calmly, he reassures her ‘ you have nothing to worry about ,we’re only 5 kilometers from land.’ Relieved, she inquires ‘oh, in which direction?’
– That would be straight down, Miss……..

It must really suck being a ghost who has to haunt the oceans
– You gotta go through a lot of hard ships just to do your job

Why did the fisherman suddenly redirect his boat?
– Just for the halibut.

Knock knock

Whoโ€™s there?


Kelp who?

Kelp me! Iโ€™m drowning!

What is the best tool in the ocean?
– A hammerhead shark!

What do you get when you cross the ocean with the Titanic?
– Half way.

What’s the difference between my ex girlfriend and the Atlantic Ocean?
– The Atlantic Ocean would never give me *that* many crabs.

Why did the fisherman start doing drugs?
– Pier pressure.

Where is the ocean the deepest?
– At the bottom!

What did the magician say to the fisherman?
– Pick a cod, any cod!

Why can’t the Kardashians swim at the beach?
– Because plastic is bad for the ocean.

Ocean walks in to a bar
– Bartender says “why so blue?”

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