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Ocean jokes ๐ŸŒŠ in 2025

Whatโ€™s a cetaceanโ€™s favorite TV show?
– Whale of Fortune.

Whale, hello there!

What do fish and maps have in common?
– They both have scales!

What kind of bus can cross the ocean?
– A ColumBUS

What did the wise papa fish tell his son?
– Keep your friends close and your anemones closer.

Why are pirates called pirates?
– Because they arrrrr!

What swims in the ocean and does math?
– A octoplus

I got some jokes about the oceans…
– but they are to dirty

What does the fish say when she disagrees with her husband?
– I donโ€™t quite sea it that way.

I know a whale joke.. itโ€™s a real killer!

What do mussels do on their birthday?
– They shell-ebrate!

Why is the ocean wet?
– Because it doesnโ€™t have a towel.
(Courtesy of my son)

The oceans are really polluted nowdays.
– Last time I bought sardines, they were dead and covered in oil.

What did the Ocean say to the shore?
– Nothing. It just waved.

Why donโ€™t mermaids play tennis?
– Because they might get caught in the net!

What do you find in the middle of the ocean?
– The letter โ€œeโ€.

My mom is officially cancer free!!
– So, we were thinking of scattering her ashes by the ocean, or maybe keep them in an urn

Where does a killer whale go for braces?
– The orca-dontist.

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