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Ocean jokes ๐ŸŒŠ in 2025

What’s the difference between my ex girlfriend and the Atlantic Ocean?
– The Atlantic Ocean would never give me *that* many crabs.

Why did the fisherman start doing drugs?
– Pier pressure.

Where is the ocean the deepest?
– At the bottom!

What did the magician say to the fisherman?
– Pick a cod, any cod!

Why can’t the Kardashians swim at the beach?
– Because plastic is bad for the ocean.

Ocean walks in to a bar
– Bartender says “why so blue?”

What does seaweed say when itโ€™s stuck at the bottom of the sea?
– โ€œKelp! Kelp!โ€

Lost at sea? Iโ€™m not shore!

Why do Seagulls hang out by the ocean?
– Because if they hung out by the bay, they’d be bagels.

Whatโ€™s the difference between the ocean and the Kardashians?
– Thereโ€™s less plastic in the ocean.

What does a fish say when he makes a mistake?
– It was just a fluke!

Knock, knock

Whoโ€™s there?


Water who?

Water you waiting for? Open the door!

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
– Because they spend years at C!

Kylie Jenner tries to go into the ocean for a swim but gets stopped by the life guard
– The life guard says โ€œU canโ€™t go in there,
– Thereโ€™s already enough plastic in the seaโ€

Why do scuba divers fall backwards to enter the ocean?
– If they fell forward they would just fall into the boat.

Why did the lobster blush?
– Because the sea weed.

I whale always love you!

What is a pirates favourite letter for the alphabet?
– The C!

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