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Nerdy jokes 🤓 in 2025

I lava you!
– Do you lava me?

Hey babe, wanna make a zygote?

What is a cation afraid of?
– Dogions

How do you tell your nerdy friend is suicidal?
– He dresses up as Jar Jar Binks at Comic Con

Which computer sings the best?
– A Dell

I’m learning about important dates in history.
– Wanna be one of them?

Where do Soviet nerds gather?
– At Commie-Con

Two chicks walk into a bar…
– Two chicks walk into a bar.
– One says to the other,”Have you ever heard of the Bechdel test?”
– The other says,”Yeah, my boyfriend was telling me about it the other day.”

There is a band called 1023Mb.
– They haven’t had any gigs yet.

What do you call a death match between E.T. and a nerd with no social life?
– Alien versus Redditor.

My favorite element on the periodic table is Uranium,
– because I am in love with U.

What do nerds eat for breakfast?
– Terabytes

What did the parrot say when he didn’t have his lunch?
– Poly-no-meal
– Sorry for the nerdy math joke.

Why did the programmer use the entire bottle of shampoo during one shower?
– Because the bottle said “Lather, Rinse, Repeat.”

Even if there was no gravity on this planet,
– I would still fall for you.

Wanna exchange genetic information with me?

Heisenberg is pulled over by a cop who asks him, “Do you know how fast you were going?”
– Heisenberg replies, “No, but I know where I am.”

Conversation between a nerdy guy and a nerdy girl
Guy: “You denature my proteins.”
Girl: “Are you saying I’m hot?”
Guy: “No, I’m saying you’re basic.”

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