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Nerdy jokes 🤓 in 2024

Three Star Wars nerds enter a bar…
– They sit down and have a drink. One notices a really beautiful woman at the end of the bar. She is clearly out of his league, but he says he’s going to hit that and gets up and starts to walk over to her. The other two watch for a second and then see the woman start laughing in his face.
– The two still sitting look towards each other and one says, ‘he sure hit that like a storm trooper.’

What’s the difference between Stanley Yelnats and the rest of the kids in Holes?
– He was just a nerdy digger.

Did you hear about the man who got cooled to absolute zero?
– He´s 0K now.

What do you get if you cross a worm with a spider?
– A web crawler

If you go out with me,
– I promise I won’t take you for granite.

This one is for you philosophy nerds. What do you call it when a middle aged woman takes a break from reading Plato dialogues?
– Meno pause

Two self driving cars lost control on the freeway and crashed, killing 4.
– Experts say it was caused by a race condition.

Why can’t cats work on the computer?
– They get too distracted chasing the mouse around

Why was the computer cold?
– It left its Windows open

Are you a high test score?
– Because I just want to take you home and show you to my parents.

Do you want to know what I realized about Quiet Kids that are also Science Nerds?
– They only speak periodically.

Why do programmers think Halloween’s the same as Christmas?
– Because 31OCT == 25DEC

What do nerdy mermaids wear?
– Algae-bras

What do you call two nerds dry humping on the couch?
– Science friction.

I was gonna make a joke about sodium, but NA, seeing most of the science jokes Argon,
– but my friend wanted me to say a joke about sodium, bromine and oxygen but I was like NaBrO

What’s a computer virus?
– A terminal illness

You must be a pile of dinosaur bones,
– because I dig you.

Come, let’s measure the coefficient of friction between us.

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