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Mummy jokes 🧟‍♀ in 2024

What did the mummy say when it went to the salon? “I want a wrap-around hairstyle.”

Why did the mummy refuse to go to the amusement park? It didn’t want to get wrapped up in the rides.

Why did the mummy refuse to eat vegetables? It was afraid of getting a wrap on the knuckles.

What did the mummy say when it lost its keys? “I can’t find my wrappings.”

What did the mummy say when it ran out of toilet paper? “Looks like I need to unwrap a new roll.”

Why did the mummy go to the tailor? To get its wraps tailored to fit.

Why did the mummy refuse to watch a scary movie? It didn’t want to be all wrapped up in fear.

What did the mummy say when it was asked about its favorite book? “I love The Mummy Wrap-py.”

What did the mummy say when asked about its love life? “I’m still searching for my soul-wrap.”

Why did the mummy go to the comedy club? To get a good wrap-ture.

Why did the mummy refuse to go on a date? It was afraid of getting too wrapped up in the relationship.

What did the mummy say when it was asked about its favorite hobby? “I love to wrap gifts.”

What did the mummy say when it got a promotion? “Looks like I’m moving up in the wrap hierarchy.”

Why did the mummy go to the party? To have a wrap-tastic time.

Why did the mummy refuse to take a shower? It didn’t want to unravel.

What did the mummy say when it was asked to play an instrument? “I’m a wrap-star.”

What did the mummy say when asked about its hobbies? “I like to knit-wrap.”

Why did the mummy refuse to go to the party? It had nothing to wear, except its old wrappings.

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