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Morning Jokes 🌄 in 2025

What drink do lobsters have in the morning?
– Clawfee.

What did the pirate always eat for breakfast?
– Captain Crunch.

This morning I was on the way to work, but I wasn’t paying attention and ended up rear ending another car. The driver got out and it turned out he was a dwarf. He looked at me and said “I’m not happy.”
– I replied “Well, which one are you then?”

What is the second hardest thing in the morning?

– Getting up.

Have you heard about a Frenchman that choked while he was eating his morning omelet?
– He said, “Oeuf.”

What would you call it if you had a gold-colored hot drink in a golden cup in the morning every day?
– My gilt-tea pleasure.

What do the snowmen eat for breakfast?
– Ice Krispies.

Yesterday morning my tree died,
– now I have mourning wood.

Why did the morning coffee never talk to the herbal drinks?
– Because they weren’t really his cup of tea.

What did the man say to his wife when she was grouchy all day because they ran out of bread?
– “I didn’t know you were lack-toast intolerant.”

What do bakers say when they wake up in the mornings?
– “Time to get bread-y now.”

What do joggers usually do when they forget things?
– They always jog their memory.

How do Buddhists like their eggs in the morning?
– In an Ommmelette

Knock! Knock!

– Who’s there?

– Sweden.

– Sweden who?

– I always Sweden my coffee in the morning.

How can you tell the sun is a boy
– it rises every morning

What did the man say to his son when he wanted a frozen rito in the morning for breakfast?
– He said, “so you want a brrrr-rito?”

What does Tony Stark always eat in the morning for breakfast?
– Iron Bran.

I accidentally used the dog’s shampoo this morning
– I feel like a good boy.

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