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Moon jokes ๐ŸŒ™ in 2025

Why is the man on the moon so fond of Darth Vader?
– Because he also has a dark side.

Why does nobody like visiting the moon anymore?
– Because the hotels are always full.

If you start the Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd and the passion of the Christ at the same time the scenes donโ€™t match up at all
– It turns out Jesus was more of a nine inch nails guy

– Hesays”let’sgetadrink.wheredoyouallhangout?”Theothersrespond”Sorry,wedon’thaveaspacebar”.

Why do non-vegetarians prefer moon rock over earth rock?
– Because they are a little meteor.

“The moon is waning. Do you think it’s sad?”
– Nah, it’s just going through a phase.

My son identifies as a crescent moon.
– I hope it’s just a phase.

What does Buzz Aldrin say when he meets people?
– I am the second person to land on the moon. Neil before me.

What did the sun say when he meets the moon?
– Finally, it is my night off.

Two blonds are sitting on a park bench at night looking at the moon…
One leans to the other and says “Which do you think is closer: Florida or the moon?”

– The other blond says “Obviously the moon. You can’t see Florida.”

Why does Earth only have one moon?
– Weโ€™re moonagamous.

What is the first day of the week in outer space called?
– Moonday.

During which time does the weight of the moon get the heaviest?
– When it is full.

The moon is basically a walmart sun
– it reflects the behavior of the original product, but it just isn’t the same

What would we call a war on one of saterns moons…..

Why did Jerry fall down from the moon?
– Because a fridge hit him.

Astronomers got tired after watching the moon go around the earth for 24 hours
– So they called it a day

I met a group of crazy people in a moon worshiping cult yesterday.
– They were Lunatics.

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