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Minion Jokes in 2025

How do Minions travel?
-In a yellow submarine.

Why did so many Minions fall in love with the charming banana?
-Because he was a smoothie.

Why do Minion’s put sunscreen on their bananas?
-To stop them peeling.

What do you call a Nintendo character that looks like a minion?
-Despicable Mii

I’ve done some terrible things for money.
-Like getting up early to go to work on a minion day. ‬

What did the Russian government do when it was announced that they needed to replace their spies?
– They Gru minion new ones.

What does the inside of a Minion’s wallet look like?
-A Minion dollars.

Why do Minions run round their beds?
– To catch up on their sleep.

What’s yellow and always points north?
-A magnetic Minion.

Why did the Minion phone an ambulance for his banana?
-Because it wasn’t peeling very well.

What is the best thing to do if you come across a blue banana?
-Try to cheer it up with a minion.

What did the banana say to the Minion?
-Nothing, bananas can’t talk!

What musical instrument did the Minion keep in the bathroom?
-A tuba toothpaste.

Why do Minions wear two pairs of trousers when they play golf?
– In case they get a hole in one.

Why did so many Minions fall in love with the charming banana?
-Because he was a smoothie.

What is the fastest way for Minions to get from the first floor to the ground floor?
-By sliding down the banana-ster!

-Talk like a pirate day

Have you heard that they aren’t going to be growing bananas any longer?
-They’ve already long enough with minion.

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