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Millennial jokes in 2024

What do you call a 30 year old in a falcon suit?
– The millennial falcon

What do you call a bird that likes avocado toast?
– The Millennial falcon.

What did the millennial say to the boomer upset over being called “boomer”?
– The same thing boomers said to them growing up.

“They’re just words. They can’t hurt you.”

How many millennials does it take to change a light-bulb?
– One, but he has to create a safe-space where the light-bulb can go to avoid being offended that it’s being replaced

Why do millennials only want digital receipts, bills and letters?
– Or else they’d have to put up with a bunch of white mails.

Young Han Solo never bought his own ship…
– He just rented a Millennial Falcon.

“Behind every broke Millennial is a Baby Boomer who makes 6 figures but can’t open a PDF.
– ” — @Queennnn__

I was born in 1988, so you might think I’m a millennial
– But please don’t assume my generation. I actually identify as a baby boomer.

Remember that ridiculous article that asserted that the reason
– millennials can’t afford to buy houses was that they were buying too much avocado toast? Hilarious.

Why doesn’t Santa have any millennial elves?
– Low college tuition rates.

Millennials… they think they’re so rich…
– They could just come in here and rent the place.

What’s the difference between Elvis and a millennial’s spirit?
– Some people still think Elvis is alive

Amazeballs is millennial for “cool”,
– But it’s also Native American for “hush puppies”.

Did you hear about the millennial pharmacist that got fired?

They fired him because he didn’t believe in labels.

Saw a bird eating a piece of avocado toast.
– Guess it was some kind of millennial falcon.


If I had a dollar for every time older people complained about Millennials…
– …I could fix the economy they broke.

Trump shutting down the border would be the best thing for millennials
– Once the avocado market dries up they can finally pay off their student loans and buy a house

Dogs, Not Marriage or Kids, Motivate Millennials to Buy Homes
– I don’t know how they afford it though.

Dogs are expensive.

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