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Millennial jokes in 2024

So true. The only way millennials will be able to afford houses is if we somehow time travel back to the past.
– But if we all do it then we’ll just be in the same predicament.

I’m just a conservative millennial
– I like to party Alt-Night.

How do you weigh a Millennial?
– In Instagrams.

How can you tell it’s a Millennial nursing home?
– All the residents have atrophy.

You millennials and your obsession with public healthcare….
– Back in my day we just died

During the election, Bernie teamed with Hillary to try and win over the millennials
– Funny, considering they’re age combined is a millennial itself

what do you call Johnny Cash’s millennial grandson
– Johnny Bitcoin

What’s the Millennial diet?
– Air and student debt.

[OC] You millennials are always complaining that we ran up trillions of dollars of debt for you. Why can’t you just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps?
– After all, we pulled ourselves up by your bootstraps.

People keep laughing at Millennials over this whole eating Tide Pods thing, but it started with Bill O’Reilly
– “Tide goes in, Tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that. You can’t explain why the Tide goes in.”

What do you call a bird with no responsibilities?
– A millennial falcon

There are 3 types of rings common to the millennial marriage.
– The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and tindering.

Baby Boomers: started three wars and a worldwide recession.
– Also Baby Boomers: Why are Millennials so cynical?

A millennial walks into an executives office
– The millennial says “Sir i would like a job.”
The executive replies “Really…. How about $100k a year, corner office and a company car.”
The millennial says “WOW YOU MUST BE JOKING!”

The executive says “yes, but you started it.”

Maybe if there are ping pong tables and endless snacks,
– millennials won’t realize that they’re expected to work 80 hours a week for barely minimum wage.

What’s the difference between my grandpa and a millennial antifa?
– number of white supremacists killed.
god, these millennials are lazy!

I am getting so sick of Millennials and their attitude.
– Always walking around like they rent the place.

How does a Millennial weight themselves?
– In Instagrams

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