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Microbiologist Jokes 👩‍🔬🦠 in 2025

Why are microbiologists always so happy?
– Because they look at the little things in life

Our favorite bumper sticker:
– “Support bacteria; it is the only culture we have left.”

Why should people date microbiologists?
– They’re well cultured.

What did the male bacteria say to the female bacteria?
– Let’s convert our potential energy to kinetic energy.

I saw a microbiologist today.
– He was much bigger than I imagined.

Where do hippos go to university?
– Hippocampus.

My friend is a very well-read microbiologist.
– He knows a little about a lot of things and a lot about little things.

Why was the young amoeba so sad?
– His parents had just split.

What did the male bacteria say to the female bacteria?
– Who needs biology when we have chemistry!

What did the male stamen say to the female pistil?
– I like your “style.”

What is the only thing worse than a mecium?
– A paramecium.

Why did the amoeba cross the road?
– It was time to split.

What did Gregor Mendel say when he founded genetics?
– Woopea!

How many biologists does it take to change a light bulb?
– Four. One to change it, and three to write the environmental-impact statement.

Did you hear about the microbiologist who tore his pants?
– He had to abandon his experimments to focus on some jean splicing.

What’s a microbiologists favorite animal, and why?
– An ant, they love there little antybodies.

Baby, I wish I were DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.

I wish I was adenine, then I could get paired with U.

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