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Medieval jokes ๐Ÿฐโš”๏ธ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ in 2025

What do you call a medieval knight who always agrees with you? Sir Tenly!

Why do knights never tell lies? They’re true to their word!

What do you call a knight who is afraid to fight? Sir Render!

What do you call a knight who lost his armor? Sir Cumference – he’s always around!

What’s a medieval ghost’s favorite drink? Boooo-berry juice!

Why don’t medieval knights use pens? They prefer swords!

What’s a medieval baker’s favorite type of music? Loaf songs!

Why did the knight go to the supermarket? He ran out of knight-time snacks!

How did the medieval barber cut the king’s hair? He used a king-size shears!

Why did the king have a secret entrance to his castle? For his knight moves!

What do you call a knight who lets you borrow his weapon? Sir Plus!

What’s a medieval knight’s favorite type of exercise? Sword-lifts!

Why did the knight refuse to play chess? He was missing a rook!

How do you know if a knight is well-off? He lives in a castle-lavish!

Why did the king go to the dentist? To get his crowns checked!

What do you call a knight who’s an expert in astronomy? Sir Real!

Why was the medieval banker so rich? He was good at keeping his balance!

Why was the knight always calm? His armor was always chilling!

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