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Mattress jokes ๐Ÿ› in 2024

Why was the mattress a great counselor? It was always supportive!

Why did the mattress go to the gym? It wanted to be a fit-bed!

Why do mattresses make terrible detectives? They always let evidence slip through the springs!

Why don’t mattresses make good secretaries? They’re always out of office!

Why are mattresses terrible chefs? They always burn the midnight oil!

Why did the mattress join the choir? It had a great range, from soft to firm!

What’s a mattress’s favorite type of music? Anything but heavy metal!

Why was the mattress a terrible secretary? It was always sleeping on the job!

What’s a mattress’s favorite type of music? Bed-rock!

Why was the mattress a bad student? It was always dreaming in class!

How does a mattress apologize? “Sorry for the toss and turn!”

Why are mattresses bad at football? They’re always getting sacked!

Why did the mattress refuse to race? It didn’t want to spring into action!

Why did the mattress refuse to play poker? It didn’t want to deal with the pressure!

Why are mattresses bad at hide and seek? They’re always caught napping!

What’s a mattress’s favorite type of joke? Knock-knocks, they’re a total snooze!

Why don’t mattresses make good secret agents? They’re always undercover!

What’s a mattress’s favorite hobby? Taking naps!

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