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Math jokes ➕➖ in 2025

How does a mathematician induce good behavior in her children?
-Answer: I have told you n times, I have told you n+1 times?”

My girlfriend is the square root of -100.
-She is a perfect 10, but purely imaginery.

What do you call an angle that is adorable?
-Acute angle.

Which king loved fractions?
-Henry the eighth.

What did 2 say to 4 after 2 beat him in a race?
-Answer: 2 Fast 4 U!

I put my root beer in a square glass.
-Now it is just beer.

Why do plants hate math?
Because it gives them square roots.

Who invented the Round Table?
-Sir Cumference.

You know what seems old to me?
-Numbers that cannot be divided by two.

Why does nobdy talk to circles?
-Because there is no point.

It is always a good idea to bring mathematicians camping.
-They come prepared with a pair of axis.

A farmer counted 196 cows in the field.
-But he only had 200 after rounding them up.

Why didn?t Bob drink a glass of water with 8 pieces of ice in it?
-It was too cubed.

Pi was fighting with an imaginary number.
-“Get real,” Pi said. “Be rational,” the Imaginary number said.

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