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Margarita jokes ๐Ÿน in 2024

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of bread? Anything with a “grain” of salt!

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of soap? Anything with a “bubbly” personality!

Why did the margarita become a chef? It loves “mixing” ingredients!

What does a margarita say when itโ€™s ready? Let’s get this party “poured”!

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of game? Anything with a “shake” of excitement!

Why did the margarita go to the bank? It wanted to open a “liquid” account!

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of shoe? Slip-ons, they’re “stirred” not shaken!

Why did the margarita break up with the soda? It felt too “fizz-ical”!

Why did the margarita go to the moon? It wanted to experience “zero-gravity” mix!

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of flower? A bloomin’ onion!

Why did the margarita go to a comedy show? It wanted to be “on the rocks” with laughter!

What does a margarita wear to a party? A cocktail dress!

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of candy? Anything they can “pour” into their mouth!

Why did the margarita go to the library? It wanted to “stir” up some knowledge!

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of book? Anything with a “twist” in the tale!

Why was the margarita bad at tennis? It always got served!

Why did the margarita go to the bakery? It loves a “roll” with its meal!

What’s a margarita’s favorite type of car? A coupe, it comes with a glass!

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