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Lunchbox jokes 🍱 in 2025

What did the buffalo say when his son left to go to school?
—- Bison.

What kind of nut has no shell?
– A doNut

What goes up but never comes back down?
– Your age.

Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
—- Because he was feeling crumby.

What did the water say to the wave?
– Nothing, it just waved.

How do bees get to school?
– A school buzz

What did the zero say to the eight?
– Nice belt.

Why did the cow cross the road?
—- Because he wanted to go to the moooovies.

What bow can’t be tied?
– A rainbow

I can fill an entire room but never take up any space. What am I?
– Light.

What happens when you make an egg laugh?
—- It cracks up.

Why was Yoda such a good gardener?
– He had a green thumb.

What type of socks do pirates wear?
—- Arrrrrrrrgyle.

What do librarians take with them when they go fishing?
– Bookworms

How do baseball players stay cool?
– By standing close to the fans.

What is a rabbit’s favorite kind of music?
—- Hip Hop.

Why did the computer squeak?
– Someone stepped on its mouse

What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
—- Taking a bite and finding half a worm.

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