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Love jokes 💑 in 2025

If you were a potato, you’d be a sweet one.

Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef?
– He’ll dessert you.

What did the patient with the broken leg say to their doctor?
– Hey doc, I have a crutch on you.

Did you hear about the porcupine who was near-sighted?
– He fell in love with a pincushion.

Is there an airport nearby or is it my heart taking off?

Knock, knock.
– Who’s there?
– Owl.
– Owl, who?
– Owl always love you!

What’s the difference between marriage and love?
– Love is one long sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.

I like to show my girlfriend who’s the boss in our house.
– I do this by holding a mirror up to her face.

Did it hurt?
– When you fell out of heaven?

Is your name Dunkin?
– Because I Donut want to spend another day without you.

My new girlfriend works at the zoo.
– She’s a keeper!

What do you call two birds in love?
– Tweet-hearts.

Whoever named 
it necking is a poor judge of anatomy.
– Groucho Marx

Are you a camera?
– Because every time I look at you, I smile.

What happened to the two vampires who went on their first date?
– It was love at first bite!

Why was the lovelorn man talking to the wine?
– He was hoping for some liquid courage.

Why should you never break up with a goalie?
– Because he is a keeper.

My boyfriend and I met on the internet.
– My mother asked him what line he used on me and my boyfriend replied, “I just used a modem.”

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