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Love jokes 💑 in 2025

What happens when you fall in love with a chef?
– You get buttered up.

Wife: Do you want dinner?
– Husband: Sure, what are my choices?
– Wife: Yes and no.

Knock, knock.
– Who’s there?
– Juno.
– Juno, who.
– Juno that you’re the love of my life?

You’re so sweet, you put Hershey’s outta business.

Why did the baseball player have trouble dating?
– He always had a hard time getting to first base.

What do you call two ants sharing a slice of pizza in Italy?
– Romance.

Daddy, why are all those cars beeping their horns?
– Because there’s a wedding going happening.
– Don’t we been the horn a warning signal, Daddy?
– Exactly, son.

What did one boat say to the other?
– “Are you up for a little row-mance?”

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk past again?

What did the patient with the broken leg say to their doctor?
– Hey doc, I have a crutch on you.

Why couldn’t the broken telephone propose to its girlfriend?
– It never gave her a ring.

Why should you not marry a tennis player?
– Because love means nothing to them.

Knock, knock.
– Who’s there?
– Frank.
– Frank, who?
– Frank you for loving me

Knock, knock.
– Who’s there?
– Honeydew.
– Honeydew, who?
– Honeydew you know how much I love you?

Love is when I walk to the other side of the classroom to sharpen my pen just so I can see her.
– And then I realize that I am holding a pen.

Why should you avoid falling in love with a pastry chef?
– They’ll only dessert you.

Son: Dad, I’ve heard that in some parts of the world a man doesn’t know his wife until he marries her.
– Father: Son, that’s true everywhere.

Are you a banana?
– Because I find you a peeling.

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