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Love jokes 💑 in 2025

Do you like Mexican food?
– Cause I want to wrap you in my arms and make you my BAE-RITTO.

What does the destruction derby champion say to someone he’s interested in?
– Can I crash at your place tonight?

You are like my asthma. You just take my breath away.

Are you French?
– Because Eiffel for you.

Knock, knock.
– Who’s there?
– Candice.
– Candice, who?
– Candice be love that I am feeling right now?

There were two antennas who met on a roof and they fell in love and decided to get married.
– The ceremony was nothing fancy, but you could tell that they had a very strong connection.

What’s the difference between love and your email address?
– I’m not sure, but you can get viruses from both if you aren’t careful.

What’s the difference between love and marriage?
– Love is one long, sweet dream and marriage is the alarm clock.

We’re not socks.
– But I think we’d make a great pair.

Four plus four equals eight, but you plus me equals fate.

Why should you never marry a tennis player?
– Because love means nothing to them!

What happened when two vampires went on their first date?
– It was love at first bite!

What do you call two birds in love?

– Tweet-hearts!

Love is not having to hold in your gas anymore.

Even though there aren’t any stars out tonight, you’re still shining like one.

Why is the tennis player such a good lover?
– Excellent ball-handling skills.

My name is Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?

Knock, knock.
– Who’s there?
– Eyesore.
– Eyesore, who?
– Eyesore do love you a lot.

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