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League Of Legends jokes in 2025

Q: What’s Lee Sin’s favorite game mode?

– A: Blind pick

Get a disinfectant and rabidon the wound.

Q: How does Janna shield her allies?

– A: With Ease. (With E’s)

How many Bronze players does it take to change a lightbulb?

– None. They can’t even climb the ladder.

Early game snowball with Garen will garentee an early win.

You are Draven me crazy!

Q: What do you call a Warwick that’s MIA?
– A: A wherewolf!

Why does Teemo live in a small house?

– He doesn’t need mushroom.

We all got 40% bonus movement speed. Shurleya that must be huge buff?

Teemo resides in a humble cottage, he does not need mushroom.

You only need to own a Zilea clocks to be a master of time.

Kennenyone tell me why the weather is so stormy?

I made my summoner name ‘jokeaboutaredditmoderator’ on League of Legends
– The enemy team kept deleting me

Did you hear that Nightblue3 and Eminem played League of Legends together yesterday?
– Eminem got one shot

Q: What is the secret League of Legends religion that every player follows?
– A: Siontology!

Q: What do you call a missing Warwick?

– A: A WHEREwolf!

Yasuo never gets locked out of his apartment, because he hasaki at all times.

The Brand spammer got banned for flaming too much.

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