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League Of Legends jokes in 2025

Q: How do you know Alistar is dyslexic?

– A: He always goes oom.

Cassiopeia was the fastest girl on the pageant, so she bagged a quick silver sash.

Noc Noc
– Who’s There?
– Daaaaaaaaaarrknesssss
– I heard Yorick has a crush on a certain ADC. He really digs graves.
– Yorick walks into a bar. There’s no counter.

Malphite walks into a bar and finds Rammus hanging out in the lounge.
– A night of rock ‘n roll ensues.

The Undead Juggernaut probably believes in Sion-tology.

It Lux like we might win this one after all.

I can’t have teamwork at League of Legends because…
– the only people listening to my calls are the NSA.

Janna can shield her fellow champions with Ease.

Amumu walks into the bar, the bartender says
– “Excuse me sir, we don’t serve you kind here.”

My school did a performance called League of Legends.
– It was a play on wards.

Q: What do you call Renekton wearing a vest?
– A: An In-vest-igator!

Lee Sin may be a blind monk, but he is good at leesining.

While everyone else was busy pushing, Zyra was garden the base.

I heard a sad mummy talking to himself deep inside the tomb. There was amurmur in the air.

What do you call people who design icons in League of Legends?
– Lolicons.

Q: How many bronze players does it take to screw in a light bulb?

– A: Who knows – They can’t climb the ladder.

How does Sona charge her phone?

– With a Power Chord.

What’s the yordles favorite phone carrier?
– Teemobile.

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