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League Of Legends jokes in 2025

The more the people rebelled, the mordecaeser lost grip on his power.

Why are League of Legends players the most skeptical people on Earth?
– Because they take everything with a grain of salt.

Q: Who beats Orianna mid lane?

– A: Ochrisbrown.

Vayne’s social media of choice is Tumblr.

Why didn’t Sivir win the spelling bee?
– Because she could only spell shield.

Why do the french hate League of Legends?
– They have to wait 20 minutes before surrendering

Q: What do you call an AFK Shyvana?
– A: A statikk Shyv!

Q: Why couldn’t the potato play ADC?

– A: Because no one would peel for him.

Why does Soraka throw bananas?

– Because she can’t peel.

Why Ahri drafting with no strat?

I’m Dianna take my Brand new car out for a spin.

Q: What is a marksman’s least favorite vegetable?
– A: A-kali Flower!

Q: What do you do to a toxic Zyra?

– A: You repot her!

Why did the manaless Syndra run from the teamfight?

– She didn’t have the balls.

Why does Soraka throw bananas?
– Because she’s the only support that can’t peel.

Q: What do you call it when Renekton rushes a chain vest?

– A: An In-vest-igator!

That is a married man, don’t be a Ohmwrecker!

Q: Why can’t Olaf find a handicapped parking spot?

– A: He can’t be disabled.

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