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League Of Legends jokes in 2024

Q: Did you know that Alistar is dyslexic?
– A: He always goes oom!

Q: Why did Fiddlesticks the Scarecrow get promoted?

– A: Because he was outstanding in his field.

Why is Donald Trump not a fan of League of Legends?
– Because there’s too much Faker news.

Q: Why was Lucian pulled over on the highway?

– A: Because the racial issues in the United States have reached a fever pitch.

Q: What happens when Malphite and Rammus hang out together?

– A: They rock n’ roll.

Q: How long does it take to save up enough money for a Locket?
– A: Aegis

Q: Why did Sivir lose the spelling bee?

– A: She could only spell shield!

Cassiopeia always knows how much she weighs thanks to all her scales.

Q: What do you call a Bronze team with Nurse Akali, Dr. Mundo, Kennen MD, Soraka, and Surgeon Shen?

– A: Doctors without borders.

A Korean boy killed his best friend after losing three games in a row in League of Legends.
– The media are currently blaming the Jungler.

Did you hear that Nightblue3 and Eminem played League of Legends together yesterday?
– Eminem got one shot

Q: What is the secret League of Legends religion that every player follows?
– A: Siontology!

Q: What do you call a missing Warwick?

– A: A WHEREwolf!

Yasuo never gets locked out of his apartment, because he hasaki at all times.

The Brand spammer got banned for flaming too much.

The bounty hunter’s prized target escaped. It was quite a MissFortune.

I learned never to play League of Legends with an Englishman
– Because Heathrow

What did the gamer say when his girlfriend asked what World of Warcraft and League of Legends were?
– “Wow, lol”

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