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League Of Legends jokes in 2025

A Korean boy killed his best friend after losing three games in a row in League of Legends.
– The media are currently blaming the Jungler.

Q: What is Vaynes favourite website?

– A: Tumblr

The chef thought that Ekko must really love his cooking, because Ekko keeps coming back four seconds.

Sometimes Volibear tells me jokes, but I just can’t bear them.

Q: Why is Yasuo never locked out of his house?

– A: Because he always Hasaki!

Lee Sin walks into a bar.

– And a table.
– And a chair.

“If you are having trouble with Zed, go to options.
– Turn off shadows.”

I could make a blacksmith joke, but that would be too c-Ornny.

Q: Why is Master Yi’s Q so buggy?
– A: Because it’s “alpha” strike!

“I hear Yorick is gay”

– “Why?”
– “I hear he really digs graves”

I used to know a really good LoL joke, but then i fURGOT how it went.

I will not give you a dental health evaluation, I am Nashor tooth doctor.

How much does the butcher of the sands weigh?
– A renek ton.

What’s the difference between In-n-Out Burger french fries and League of Legends?
– I can control my salt intake at In-n-out.

Blind pick is Lee Sin’s favorite game mode.

Yorick walks into a bar.
– The bartender queue dodges.

Could Kennan carry the game if played right?
– Sure-he-can!

I lost the lane against a solo Brand. I was Singed.

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