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Lactose Intolerant jokes ๐Ÿง€๐Ÿฅ› in 2024

What’s a lactose intolerant person’s favorite song? “Don’t Stop Brie-lievin’!”

What’s the lactose intolerant person’s favorite motto? “Live and let dairy!”

Why did the lactose intolerant person refuse to eat the sandwich? They were afraid of the hidden cheese!

What’s the lactose intolerant person’s favorite movie? “No Whey Out”!

Why did the lactose intolerant person start a band? They wanted to play some non-dairy tunes!

What do you call a lactose intolerant detective? Sherlock No-Moos!

Why did the lactose intolerant person refuse to go to the ice cream parlor? It was a scoop of trouble!

What did the lactose intolerant person say to the milk carton? “We’re past-our-date!”

What did the lactose intolerant person say to the fondue pot? “You’re too cheesy for my taste!”

Why do lactose intolerant people make great comedians? Because they always know how to cut the cheese!

What did the lactose intolerant person say to the chocolate cake? “Hope you’re not hiding any milk!”

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