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Kidney jokes in 2025

I donated a kidney last year
– They still want to know where i got it from

Hey guys, who is kidney…
– And what test is he failing?

I donate 1 kidney to a hospital and everyone thinks I am a hero
– I donate 10 kidneys and everyone thinks I am a monster

(Navy Joke) why do chiefs hate kidney stones ?
– It clogs the P ways

Why can a teacher donate her adult-sized kidney to save a student?
– Because it’s a kidney, not an adultney.

Did you know humans are born with 4 kidneys?
– By 18, two of them become knees.

What do you call your kidneys once you turn 18?
– Adult-neys ROFL

I only learned recently that children are born with four kidneys, and later on when they grow up..
– ..two of them turn into adult knees.

Why did the chubby kidney doctor go to the weather convention?
– He heard they were looking for meaty urologists.

TIL: Humans are born with four kidneys
– When they grow up, two of them becomes adult knees

You are born with four kidneys
– But when you turn 18 two of them become adult knees.

Someone donates one kidney and is hailed as a hero.
– I donate five, and get arrested?

What’s the difference between a kidney bean and a chickpea?
– Politicians won’t pay $500 to have a kidney bean on their face.

I only learned recently that children are born with four kidneys, and later on when they grow up..
– ..two of them turn into adult knees.

I took a selfie after my kidney removal surgery
– Hashtag nofilter

Doctor said I had kidney failure.
– I asked “How can that be? I am an adult, I have adult knees.”

Babies are born with 4 kidneys.
– When they grow up, 2 of them turn into adult knees.

I honestly hate how a person who donates 1 kidney is considered a hero…
– I donated 4 and I’m somehow a criminal

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