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Karate jokes ๐Ÿฅ‹๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ in 2024

What’s a karate master’s favorite dance? The chop-cha-cha!

What’s a karate master’s favorite TV show? “The Big Bang Theory” – because of all the hits!

Why did the karate master refuse to play chess? He was afraid of check-mate!

What’s a karate master’s favorite dessert? A punch cake!

What’s a karate master’s favorite type of bread? A punch roll!

Why did the karate master become a gardener? He wanted to plant some chops!

Why did the karate master become a politician? He wanted to take a shot at running the country!

Why did the karate master go on a diet? He wanted to get rid of his punch belly!

Why did the karate master go to a disco? He wanted to show off his spinning kicks!

What did the karate master say to the tailor? “I need a new belt!”

Why did the karate master go to school? To improve his high kicks!

What did the karate master say at the pottery class? “This is my kind of spinning kick!”

Why did the karate master become a painter? He wanted to master the art of brush strokes!

What’s a karate master’s favorite holiday? Thanksgiving – because of all the carving!

Why do karate masters love gardening? They get to weed out the competition!

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing and knew karate chops were coming!

Why did the karate master go to a dance party? He wanted to show off his fancy footwork!

What do you call a karate master who loves music? A chopin enthusiast!

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