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Juan jokes 🌮 in 2024

What’s a Mexican’s favorite martial art?
– Tae K-Juan Do.

Amal and Juan repost a joke on /r/jokes but no one ever upvotes Juan’s posts
– Because once you’ve seen Amal, you don’t wanna see another Juan.

How many jokes does it take to make a Mexican smile?
– Juan.

What’s a Mexican’s favorite book?
– Alice In Juan-derland

I’m a regular Don Juan
– The ladies Don Juan anything to do with me

My girlfriend told me she was pregnant, so I started looking for some names…
…in the end I chose Juan Carlos and took the first flight to Spain.

Why are black jokes and mexican jokes the same?
– Because once you’ve heard Juan, you’ve heard Jamal!

I just found out that George Clooney’s wife has a twin brother named Juan who looks exactly like her
– Some people say that once you’ve seen Juan, you’ve seen Amal

I don’t like tacos
Said no Juan ever.

What did the mexican say to the Highlander?
– There can only be Juan.

How do you start a Mexican bedtime story?
– Juans upon a time.

Juan, a prison warden, decided a group of sikhs (4 or 5 of them) should be released for good behaviour.
– The occasion was mentioned in the newspaper: “Juan to free four, five sikhs”
I’ll be here all week.

2 detectives were looking over Juan’s murdered, lifeless body..
– when one detective says ” it looks like he was killed by a golf gun”. The other detective said “what’s a golf gun?” The other says ” I dunno, but it sure made a hole in Juan.”

Racist Jokes are all the same
– Once you’ve heard Juan, you’ve heard Jamal.

Why were Juan and his twin sibling able to plagiarize off each other without being caught?
– Nobody expects the Spanish Twin Submission.

why didn’t Maria go to prom?
– she had no Juan to go with

Did you hear about the new Marvel hero? He’s a Mexican guy that can clone himself…
I think he’s called Juan Division.

Mexican and black jokes are way too similar now..
You’ve heard Juan, you’ve heard Jamal.

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