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Jokes for kids 🧒 in 2025

Can February March?
-No, but April May.

Why did the phone walk in the water?
-He was wading for a phone call.

How do you stop a bull from charging?
-You unplug it!

Why shouldn’t you trust stairs?
-Because they are always up to something.

Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?
-He was outstanding in his field.

What are cats best at?

Why did the cookie have to go to the doctor?
-It was feeling crummy.

What kind of key opens a banana?
-A monkey!

Why did the pillow cross the road?
-it was picking up the chicken’s feathers.

Why didn’t the hyena cross the road?
-He was too busy laughing.

What did the buffalo say when his son left?

What did the kid learn about knowledge?
-It was all knowing.

 How do you keep a bagel from getting away?
-Put lox on it.

What’s Joanna Gaines’ favorite snack food?

Knock knock! Who’s there? Manatee.
-Manatee who? Manatee would be better than a sweater today, it’s hot!

Why was the snowman in the box?
-Because he was picking his nose.

What do you call babies in the army?

What do you call a nun who sleepwalks?
-A roamin’ Catholic.

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