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Jellyfish jokes in 2024

How does a jellyfish light up a room? It uses its biolumi-“nice”-ty!

Why are jellyfish such great employees? They can multitask with all their arms!

How do jellyfish write secrets? In invisible ink!

What’s a jellyfish’s favorite place to visit? The Great Barrier “Reefer”!

What type of fish goes well with peanut butter? A jellyfish!

Why are jellyfish great detectives? They always go through everything with a fine-tooth comb!

Why don’t jellyfish get good grades? They can’t handle the pressure!

Why was the jellyfish always relaxed? It just went with the flow!

Why did the jellyfish flunk out of school? It couldn’t handle the pressure!

What kind of jellyfish is always on time? The punctual-jelly!

What do you call a jellyfish that can play an instrument? A jelly maestro!

Why was the jellyfish good at school? Because it was always in the “current” lesson!

What do jellyfish wear to the gym? Jelly sneakers!

How do jellyfish keep their tentacles warm? They use octo-mittens!

What do you call a jellyfish who likes to clean? A Dust-Buster!

How do jellyfish like their eggs? Jelly side up!

Why was the jellyfish a good reporter? It always got the “scoop”!

What kind of photos does a jellyfish take? Shellfies!

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