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It’s So Cold Jokes 🥶 in 2025

How did the archer shoot arrows in the cold weather?
-He used the snowbows!

It was so cold . . .
-the squirrels in the park were throwing themselves at an electric fence!

It is so cold in winter;
-I saw polar bears are buying fur coats.

It was so cold…
-prisoners wouldn’t take off their mitts when they were arrested. Their finger print charts were just big mitten smudges.

Man, it’s so cold outside..
-I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets

It was so cold . . .
-words froze in the air. If you wanted to hear what someone said, you had to grab a handful of sentences and take them in by the fire!

Taking a walk on an icy lake is snow problem
-the thing is you have to brave the cold weather.

Do birds know when it’s cold and they have to head south for winter or
-do they just wing it every time?

Why would Great Wooly Mammoth cross the road?
-Because there were no chickens during the Ice Age.

The only way to stop the snow from giving you cold feet is by
-ensuring you don’t go around brr-footed.

During the cold weather, what gives off negative vibes?
-You get negative vibes from the temperature

It was so cold .
-I chipped a tooth on my soup!

It was so cold
-ack Frost changed his name to Jack Froze.

It was so cold…
-I had to wave a blow-torch in front of my nose just to have a sneeze.

It’s so cold outside…
-even the ATM shows minus.

It was so cold . . .
-the dogs had to put jumper cables on the rabbits – just to get them running!

A Blonde crashed A Helicopter. A Police Officer Asked Her What Happened. She Says,
– “It Got Cold So I Turned Off The Fan.”

What do you call a cold crocodile in winter?
– A refrigergator.

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