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IT Jokes 🖥️ in 2025

An ARP request goes to McDonald’s and
-asks for a Big MAC.

What did the hacker’s out of office message say?
– Gone phishing!

How many Microsoft programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
-None, they declare darkness to be the new standard.

Why did the developer go broke?
-Because he used up all his cache

What’s a hacker’s favorite season?
-Phishing season..

What’s a secret agent’s go-to fashion?

A TCP packet walks into a bar and says, “I’d like a beer.”
– The bartender replies, “You want a beer?”

Why don’t young programmers write in script these days?
– They were only taught Java.

Why did the computer crash?
-It was a bad driver!
I will show myself out…

I was dressed up as a UDP packet for the Halloween
– I don’t think anyone got it, but I couldn’t tell.

Where does a MySQL database go to relax on a hot day?
– A buffer pool.

Are you a keyboard?
-Because you’re my type!

Why did the geek add body { padding-top: 1000px; } to his Facebook profile?
-He wanted to keep a low profile.

An SQL statement walks into a bar and sees two tables. It approaches and asks…
– May I join you?

Why did the database administrator slice a tree stump in half?
-He needed a binary log.

What does networking seal say?
-Arp! Arp! Arp!

What did the moderator say to kick off the IT speed dating session?
-“Singles, sign on!”

There are 10 types of people in the world:
-those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

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