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IT Jokes 🖥️ in 2025

If it weren’t for C
-we’d all be programming in BASI and OBOL.

A password cracker walks into a bar. Orders a beer.
-Then a Beer. Then a BEER. beer. b33r. BeeR. Be3r. bEeR. bE3R. BeEr

I’m not interrupting you
-I’m putting our conversation in full-duplex mode

There are only 10 types of people in the world:
-those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

Why didn’t the company move into the Castle in the Sky?
-There wasn’t enough cloud storage.

Why was the JavaScript developer sad?
-Because he didn’t Node how to Express himself

The best thing about IPv4 jokes is that
-you can tell them 254 times before they’re exhausted.

Why was the hacker’s Californian hiking trip interrupted?
– There was a firewall.

The programmer got stuck in the shower because the instructions on the shampoo bottle said
-Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Had a band named 1023MB.
-never made a gig.

What computer sings the best?
– A Dell

How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
-None. It’s a hardware problem.

A forged DNS packet walked into a bar and asks the bartender
-“Need a root?” The next day, no one can find the bar…

What are a CISO’s two biggest cybersecurity fears?
-Everyone who works at the company… and everyone who doesn’t.

I would tell you a UDP joke
-but you might not get it.

What do you call an excavated pyramid?
– Unencrypted.

After a life of cybercrime, how did the hacker get to heaven?
– The password hadn’t been changed in 2000 years.

Failure is not an option
-it comes bundled with Windows.

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