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Ice cream jokes 🍦 in 2025

What is an ice cream’s favourite TV show?
– Game of Cones.

What do you say to an ice-cream who just got promoted?
– Cone-gratulations!

How is ice cream as a girlfriend?
– The sweetest.

What do you get from an Alaskan cow ?
– Ice Cream.

Why does the ice cream man go so slow?
– Because he’s a sundae driver.

What type of ice-cream is a spider’s favorite?
– Eyes scream!

Which shapes are an ice-cream’s favorite?
– A cone and a sphere!

Why didn’t the ice cream sandwich like the popsicle?
– Because the popsicle had a stick up her butt!

Knock, knock!
– Who’s there?
– Ice Cream.
– Ice cream who?
– Ice cream every time I see a ghost!

How does Reese eat an ice cream?
– Witherspoon.

Who’s the most relaxed ice-cream flavor of them all?
– Matcha green tea!

Which dance do ice-creams prefer?
– The Creamarena!

What do you call an ice cream cone with a surprise flavor in the bottom?
– A twist cone!

What are ice cream cones like as parents?
– Big softies.

What’s Mickey Mouse’s favourite sweet treat?
– Mice cream.

Why do people like ice-cream whether it’s in a carton, a cone, or a cup?
– You can’t help but love ice-cream un-cone-ditionally!

“Hey, Ernie would you like some ice cream?”
– “Sure, Bert.”

Why couldn’t the colorblind man sell ice cream?
– His cones don’t work.

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