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Ice cream jokes 🍦 in 2025

How do ice-cream flavors get promoted?
– By selling out!

Knock, knock!
– Who’s there?
– Ben and Anna..
– Ben and Anna who?
– Ben and Anna split with a cherry on top!

Why did the ice cream truck break down?
– Because of the Rocky Road.

What do you say to ice creams when they get engaged?
– Cone-gratulations!

Why do ice-creams make great writers?
– They’ve always got the inside scoop!

Why are popsicles so snobby?
– They have a stick up their butt.

How does Dairy Queen train its employees?
– It sends them to sundae school!

Why did the ice cream truck break down?
– Because it was driving down a Rocky Road.

Why are pigs the worst to share ice-cream with?
– They’re always hoggin’ daaz ice-cream!

Why does the little boy always buy vanilla ice-cream?
– It is his flavorite!

Why did the newspaper talk to the ice cream?
– He was looking for the scoop.

What do you get if you divide the circumference of a bowl of ice cream by its diameter?
– Pi a’la mode.

What do you get when you milk a cow in Antarctica?
– Ice Cream.

Why does the ice-cream always get out of trouble?
– He is so sweet!

Why was the ice-cream always sad?
– He was blue-berry flavored!

Why do ice cream cones always carry an umbrella?
– There’s a chance of sprinkles.

Why doesn’t anyone invite an ice cream cone to their party?
– They’re a drip.

What’s a deer’s favourite ice cream?
– Chocolate chip cookie doe!

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