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Ice cream jokes 🍦 in 2025

What happened to the popsicle when he saw his crush?
– He melted!

Did you hear they passed a law banning ice cream?
– Don’t worry, it was ruled un-cone-stitutional!

What happens when you buy too much ice cream?
– Breyer’s remorse.

Why is ice cream terrible at tennis?
– It has a soft serve.

What did the choc-mint ice-cream say to the chocolate sauce?
– We’re mint to be together!

Why was the ice-cream cone misunderstood?
– She was always waffling!

Just taught my kids about taxes by eating 38% of their ice cream.

When does Oliver Stone eat ice cream?
– Any Given Sundae

What’s a pig’s favourite ice cream?
– Hoggin Daz!

Where does chocolate ice-cream come from?
– Brown cows!

What do chickens and ice-cream have in common?
– Eggs!

Why will you never meet an ice cream workaholic?
– They know how to chill out.

Why does everyone want ice cream to be on their team?
– Because with them, anything is popsicle.

How does an ice cream wish you a Happy Birthday?
– Congratulations, it’s sherbert day!

Why was the ice-cream so successful?
– He thought anything was popsicle!

What’s the best band to listen to while eating ice cream?
– Spoon!

Why is green ice cream so serendipitous?
– It was mint to be.

What did the starstruck ice cream say to his lover?
– It was mint to be.

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