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Hurricane jokes in 2025

Why is it super hard to sneak up on a hurricane?
– Because they’re always turning around.

Where do squirrels go in a hurricane?
– All over the place!

What did the hurricane say to the coast?
– I have my eye on you.

Katy Perry sang that after a hurricane comes a rainbow, but you know what else comes after a hurricane?
– A moron in a suit.

BREAKING NEWS! A hurricane has just hit New Jersey…
– It has inflicted about $25,000 worth of improvement.

I am in the process of writing a big research paper on hurricanes.
– The first draft really blew me away.

It’s too early for hurricane jokes
– wait for everything to blow over first.

What do you call a walking stick that makes you walk faster?
– A hurricane.

How’s a divorce like a hurricane…
– There’s a bunch of sucking and blowing, but in the end she takes your house.

Why are women like a Hurricane?
– They come at you all hot and wet and leave you without a house or car…

The cyclone ends. The sun returns; the lofty coconut trees lift up their plumes again; man does likewise.
– The great anguish is over; joy has returned; the sea smiles like a child

Because the Hurricane Made Landfall at Night…
…does that make it Florence Night-in Gale?

What did the Hurricane say to the palm tree?
– Hold on to your nuts, this ain’t no ordinary blow job.

2016 Election
– Honestly hurricane Matthew should run for president because I think he left the biggest mark on the country

Because the Hurricane Made Landfall at Night…
…does that make it Florence Night-in Gale?

Why is it super hard to sneak up on a hurricane?
– Because they’re always turning around. Be safe with Florence

Hurricane Sandy
– I asked my bartender for a Hurricane Sandy. She looked confused and asked, “What is that?”
– I replied, “A watered down Manhattan.”

I want to make a joke about hurricane Harvey
– But I am scared my inbox will be flooded

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