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Hunting jokes in 2025

Why did the hunter miss his mark?
– He was not aiming deerectly for it.

How did the hunter operate his computer?
– Through his moose.

One day, someone goes out into the forest to go hunting, and finds out there are a few others in the forest. He comes back the next day to learn he is the only person there. Where are the others?

– They’re in his freezer.

What do you call the day when you can get amazing deals at Cabela’s?
– Buck Friday.

Which game did the hunter like the most to play?
– Duck Duck Goose.

Why did the duck hunter get free food in the restaurant?
– Because it had no bill.

Dad cooks a deer and doesn’t tell the kids what it is. He gives them one clue… It’s what your mother calls me.

– The boy yells ” It’s a fucking dick, don’t eat it!!!”

Bill and Bob go hunting. They split up, and Bob soon finds Bill with a snake bite in his neck.
– Bob calls 911, and says “I went hunting with my friend and I just found him dead with a snake bite on his neck!” 911 says “Ok, first let’s make sure he’s dead”. A gunshot is heard. Bob says, “Ok, now what?”

How did the hunter become poor?
– He had no bucks left in his pocket!

Why is bambi afraid of Christopher Walken?
– Because he’s a “Deer Hunter”

How do you get inside a hunter’s house?
– By ringing his deer bell.

What did the hunter give his wife for their anniversary?
– He gave her horn-aments.

Why did the hunter not know what he was hunting?
– Because he was sleep-hunting!

After a long day of duck hunting I was famished… so I decided to sit down, put my feet up, and have my favorite snack…
– Cheese and quackers.

What did one hunter ask the other before he started hunting?
– He said, “Show me today’s hunting to-doe list!”

How did the two men save themselves from the tigers?
– They preyed to God.

Do you know why two guys went on a deer hunting trip years ago and quit hunting forever?
– Because they buckled down on wildlife conservation.

two men are hunting. one asks: did you ever hunt bear?
– the other one answers: no, but one time i went fishing in my shorts

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