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Hot Dog jokes ๐ŸŒญ in 2025

What do you call a hot dog with its insides removed?
– A hollow wienie.

After mocking the ketchup, what did the hot dog say?
– No bun intended.

The most loyal, kind and noble of all dog breeds is the hot dog…
– He’s the only one who feeds the hand that bites him

Two hotdogs are walking down the street
– One suddenly turns to the other and says, “Mike! Your wiener is showing”

JOKE from my 7 year old
– Guy 1 -“Sir do you have any hotdogs?”

– Guy 2 – “No why?”

– Guy 1- “Then why is your dog on fire?”

– Guy 2 – “WOT O.o”

Knock knock!
– Who is out there?
– Olive.
– Olive who?
– Olive smoking hot dog buns with extra ketchup on top of it.

What do you HAVE to put on your hot dogs?
– Must-ard!

What do you call a dog with a fever?
– A dog with a fever is called a hot dog.

Why did the hot dog hire a tutor?
– Because he wanted to be on the honor roll.

An indecisive hot dog got a bun pregnant.
– He didn’t know what condoment

What do you call a Hot Dog on Halloween?
– Hot Dog… Why would the date change anything?

How did the ghost eat the hotdog?
– By goblin it.

My little nephew wanted to share a joke he was very proud of coming up with: Why did the hotdog get grounded?
– It was being a brat!

Computer! What’s the difference between a human and a hotdog?
– Beep boop boop… Processing…

What do you get when you cross a chicken, a cow, and a pig together?
– A hot dog.

Why did the hot dog end up in a shoe?
– Because it was a foot long.

A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog vendor…
– A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog vendor and says “make me one with everything”.
– Sorry if this is a repost. Saw it on an IMDb movie discussion thread a while back, thought it was pretty good

Some people hate hotdogs.
– I relish them

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