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Hot Dog jokes ๐ŸŒญ in 2025

Why was the dog scared of the grill?
– Because he didn’t want to turn into a hot dog.

They brought the hot dog in for questioning.
– He gave the… wurst… answers.

When I was a kid I could go to the store with only $5 and come home with bread, milk, hotdogs and my favorite candy. You can’t do that these days…
– Too many damned security cameras.

โ€œFranks a lot!โ€ for checking out our hot dog jokes!

What did the hot dog say after winning the race?
– Wiener takes all!

What do you call a dog on the beach in summer?
– A hot dog.

What do you call a guy with no arms and legs in a hot dog bun?
– Frank

Damn Girl, you should sell hotdogs.
– Cause you make my Weiner stand.

How did the hot dog get a job in spite of having a criminal record?
– That’s because it was a misde-wiener.

Why does ketchup on hot dogs spoil early?
– Because the sauce-ages.

I just opened my own kosher hot dog stand in my neighborhood but business is suffering even though I’ve been told it’s to die for.
– So please support your local businesses and come on down to Anne’s Franks. You won’t regret it!

I just dented my meat…
– Opened the freezer door too fast and the hotdogs flew out onto the floor.

It’s not a real hotdog without ketchup.
– That’s how my father describes menstruation.

Knock knock!

– Who is out there?

– Butter.

– Butter who?

– Butter finish off your hot dog bun fast or else I will have your share.

Why did the vegetarian hot dog cross the road?
– To prove he wasn’t chicken!

What are hot dogs called in the winter?
– Chilly dogs.

Why do Germans fear getting cheese in their hotdogs?
– Because for them it’s considered to be a Wurst-Kรคse scenario.

Dad jokes are like hot dogsโ€ฆ.
– Frankly, I canโ€™t get enough.

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