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Hot Dog jokes ๐ŸŒญ in 2024

Why did the hot dog vendor get fired?
– Because she put her hair in a bun.

What does a hotdog call his wife?
– Honey bun.

– *As told buy my 7 year old.*

I want to start a kosher hotdog company
– And call it Anne Franks…

What happened when the hot dog made a movie?
– It became an Oscar wiener.

Why did the vegan hot dog cross the road?
– To prove that he wasn’t chicken.

Just last week a smiling Barack Obama overpaid for hot dogs at my stand, but kindly insisted I “keep the change, son, I don’t want it”
– It was at this moment I realized how far our beloved president had truly fallen.

My girlfriend asked me if hotdogs were good for her diet
– I replied, “They’re not the wurst”

Can a hamburger marry a hot dog?โ€ฆ
– Only if they have a very frank relationship!

What made the hot dog furious?
– He was getting roasted.

Why did the hot dog refuse to act in the movie?
– Because none of the rolls were good enough.

(Here’s a Pick up line) … You should sell hot dogs !
– Because you know how to make a wiener stand!

Why did the family get lost on the way to the hotdog stand?
– They took a turn for the wurst.

Why did the hot dog refuse to go to the German club?
– Because it was too krauted!

What type of dogs are the most loyal?
– Hot dogs for they feed the hand that bites them.

A pair of Amish girls visiting NYC decide to try hot dogs for the first time
– They buy two hot dogs wrapped in foil from a street vendor and sit down on a nearby bench, excited to finally try this modern cuisine.

– The first girl opens the foil, blushes with embarrassment, and shyly asks the second girl, “What part of the dog did you get?”

One hotdog says to another, โ€œYou been to that German night club yet?โ€
– โ€œNah, too krauted.โ€

I like to name my hotdog “The Moment”…
– …so I can relish it

How did the hot dog get a date?
– He mustard up the courage to ask.

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