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Horse Jokes 🐴 in 2025

What kind of horse do you ride on Halloween?
– A night mare.

Which horse can jump higher than a house?
– All of them – houses can’t jump at all.

Why did the horse miss the jousting event?
– He had the knight off.

Why didn’t the stallion show up for his wedding?
-He got colt feet.

How did the cowboy know which horse was everyone’s favorite?
-He took a gallop poll.

What did the horse say in the hundred acre wood?
– I can’t hear you whinnie!!

When does a horse go to sleep at night?
-Whinny wants to.

What happened when the horse swallowed 4 quarters?
-It bucked.

Why was the horse really proud of his school test results?
– Because he got an Hay-plus!

How do you save a horse possessed by an evil spirit?
-Perform an exhorsist.

Where do horses go when they hurt themselves?
-The horsepital.

What do you call a horse who refs football games?
-A zebra.

What do you name a horse you root for?
– You name the horse radish.

What show was the horse actor appearing in?
– A little horse play.

What do you call an equine carpenter?
– A sawhorse.

How is an egg like a young horse?
-You can’t use it until it’s been broken. (broken is used to describe when a horse is trained)

What did the horse grow in her garden?
-Horse radishes.

What’s the difference between a horse and the weather?
– One reigns up and one rains down!

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