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Horse Jokes 🐴 in 2024

What’s do horses play for fun?
– Stable tennis.

What’s the favorite part of a horse race for a vampire?
– When it’s neck and neck.

How do you ship a small horse across the country?
– Pony Express.

Where do horses get their hair cut?
– In Maine.

What did the waiter say to the horse?
-Can I get you a stable.

How do you treat a horse who has a cold?
-with cough stirup

What do you call a well-balanced horse?

What do you call the horse who lives next door?
– A neigh-bour.

Why are horses so healthy and fit?
-Well, they’re on a stable diet.

How slow was the race horse?
– He was so slow that they had to pay the jockey overtime.

Who were the two most famous horse theives?
– Bonnie and Clydesdale.

What’s as big as a horse, but weighs nothing?
– The horse’s shadow.

Which US state do horses like most?

Which side of a horse has the most hair?
– The outside.

Who helps the horse stable cleaner?
-His co-pile-it.

Why did the horse talk while his mouth was full?
– He had bad stable manners.

What do every horse and rider do together?
-They age.

What did the waiter say to the horses?
-“I can’t take your order, that’s not my stable”

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