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Holiday jokes ๐Ÿ–๏ธ in 2025

What do you call Santa Claus with unfolded clothes?
– I donโ€™t know. What?
– Kris Wrinkle.

What nationality is Santa Claus?
– What?
– North Polish.

What did the gingerbread man put under his blankets?

– A cookie sheet.

I donโ€™t know whoโ€™s worse, the people who sign their catsโ€™ names on Christmas cards or the cats who refuse to sign.

What did one snowman say to the other?
– โ€œYeah, I smell carrots too.โ€

Why do mummies like the holidays so much?
– Why?
– Theyโ€™re into all the wrapping.

Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee?
– Why?
– Because theyโ€™re Santaโ€™s star bucks!

What do you get when Santa plays detective?

– Santa clues!

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