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Holiday jokes ๐Ÿ–๏ธ in 2025

What does Santa suffer from whenever he gets stuck in a chimney?

– Santa Claustrophobia

People act like the North Pole and the South Pole are exactly the same, but really, thereโ€™s a whole world of difference between them.

What do you call a bankrupt Santa?
– Saint Nickel-less.

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
– Iโ€™m stumped.
– Frostbite!

What is a Christmas treeโ€™s favorite candy?
– Not sure.
– Ornamints.

Why wouldnโ€™t the Christmas tree stand up?

– It had no legs.

I like to put up Christmas decorations in stages.
– This is the stage where I sit on the couch with lasagna and stare at the boxes.

Knock! Knock!
– Whoโ€™s there?
– Yule log.
– Yule log who?
– Yule log the door after you let me in, wonโ€™t you?

What do you call a shark that delivers toys at Christmas?
– Iโ€™m stumped.
– โ€œSanta Jaws!โ€

What happens if you eat Christmas decorations?

– You get tinselitus

What do you get if you mix a vampire with a snowman?

– Frostbite!

What does the Gingerbread Man use to make his bed?
– Cookie sheets!

If you like Christmas so much, why donโ€™t you merry it?

Where do polar bears vote?
– Where?
– The North Poll!

How do sheep wish each other happy holidays?

– Merry Christmas to ewe.

The Twelve Days of Christmasโ€ is completely unrealistic.
– There is no way that youโ€™re still accepting gifts from someone after four days of birds.

Christmas: the time when everyone gets Santamental.

Whatโ€™s Pedroโ€™s favorite part of Christmas?
– What?
– Elfalfa milkshakes!

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