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Hockey jokes 🏒 in 2025

Why can’t carpenters play hockey?
– Because they get nailed to boards.

How are hockey players paid?
– With a check.

Why do field hockey players always carry an extra pair of shoelaces?
– In case they want to tie the score.

Why it is advised not to crack jokes while playing ice hockey?
– The ice might crack up.

If potato chip companies launch air hockey, what would it be?
– It would be just air and less hockey.

When do hockey players wear formal attire?
– When it is a tie game!

What does an Eskimo hockey player love to eat?
– Ice berg’ers.

What was the zombie doing at the hockey rink?
– He was there to take the ride on zombieoni.

What is the difference between wrestling and hockey?
– The fights are real in hockey.

Which animal is really good at playing hockey?
– A score-pion.

What happened when hockey legends Jean Ratelle, Rod Gilbert, and Vic Hadfield started to tell a joke?
– They soon reached the GAG line.

What did the player say to his coach when he was teaching him a new playing strategy?
– Oh, icy!

The young hockey player could not play on the school music band for what reason?
– Because he broke his trombone.

Were you watching the hockey match last night?
– It was like the perfect icing on the cake.

What would a field hockey striker say on Halloween?
– Hat Trick or Treat!

What is the similarity between music and ice hockey game?
– If a person doesn’t C sharp, the person will B flat.

What made the horse go to the hockey trial?
– The horse misheard it and thought it to be a jockey trial.

What happened on the charter flight?
– All the hockey players were seated according to the position they play; one of them almost froze to death on the left-wing.

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