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Hockey jokes 🏒 in 2025

What was the coach’s reaction when it was announced that the team’s starting goalie would not be able to join the game due to a peanut allergy reaction?
– “That’s nuts.”

What was on the menu for the winning hockey team?
– Stanley Cupcakes.

Do you know about the hockey player who could not listen to music?
– Because he broke a record.

What does music and ice hockey game have in common?
– If a person doesn’t C sharp, the person will B flat.

Where do retired hockey players prefer working?
– At the bakery, as they are good at icing the cakes.

Do you know the skeleton who drove to see the Hockey game?
– The skeleton had reached the stadium in his Zam-bony.

What if potato chips companies launch air hockey?
– It would just be air and less hockey.

Do you know that hockey players love drinking tea?
– Their most favorite one is penal-tea.

Why had they stopped the zombie hockey game?
– They said someone had a face-off in the corner.

Which hockey players can not be trusted?
– Anyone on the Devils.

In what manner did the blonde fisherman die?
– While ice fishing, he got run over by the Zamboni!

Who was the famous sitcom character who loves hockey?
– It is none other than Stanley from ‘The Off-ice.’

What did the ice hockey player say to his wife on the phone?
– Take care, icy you later.

What did the hockey player said to his fan?
– Icy that you have great taste.

Why was Cinderella kicked off the hockey team?
– Because she is always running away from the ball.

What made the short-tempered coach of the hockey team so frustrated when he opened his email?
– He had so many forwards.

Why was the young hockey player not able to play in the school music band?
– He broke his trombone.

Have you heard old people saying that they used to watch ice hockey before it was cool?
– Were they basically swimming?

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